I have a LinkedIn account. Why would I need a virtual business card?
Already have a LinkedIn account? Congratulations, you are a modern professional! But do you have a way to quickly share your contact information with colleagues or potential clients? If you are constantly on the go or want to avoid running out of business cards, a digital business card may be the perfect solution for you. Convenient, easy to update and customizable to your needs, your digital business card can help you stay connected and impress your business contacts in a flash.
You can easily share it with a single click and it contains all your important information, such as your name, contact information and professional title. You can turn any conversation into a business opportunity by sharing your digital business card with an interested person. So don’t underestimate the power of an e-business card, it’s an important marketing tool for all budding or blossoming professionals!
Your prospects may not find your contact information quickly on LinkedIn. So, why not give your network a business card with your image?